pso2 bannor for A1RPG
Last Updated on: Nov. 1, 2022 - We will try to update this page (if necessary) every month.
Current Stats and Overview of our alliance/team in PSO2: New Genesis.

Ship and Purpose:


Welcome to Lunaneer! Luna as in the moon from Italian and neer from pioneer or engineer. From there, Lunaneer is born as a New Genesis alliance refresh from base Phantasy Star Online 2; Honors then later Meiyokishi to now!

Currently, A1RPG (Lunaneer) resides on Ship 1 of PSO2 NA server. Most of us play in the PDT/PST, CST, and EST timezone and log in mostly during night time respectively. If you want to join us, search Lunaneer on the visiphone or contact a discord officer.

Our goals for PSO2 is mostly fashion-related and tackling end-game content. As of now, the community we have so far is mostly semi-hardcore and laidback. If that sounds like a good fit for you, then hit up an Officer or fill out an application and wait. If you are just looking to play/join for clout, drama, be troublesome, or alliance hop because of boredom, we encourage you to not apply at all.

Alliance Refresh

Lunaneer is an alliance refresh of old and new members from the beforementioned alliances above.

Alliance Updates (newest to oldest)
[June 1, 2021] - Rebranding, media kits, and structural rules and policies coming into place.
Our Member Activity:
Daily Logins: ~20+, from Discord/OnlineGame Stats
Weekly Logins: ~100+, from Discord/OnlineGame Stats
Monthly Logins: ~500+, from Discord/OnlineGame Stats
Our Stats & Tree:

The tree has LVL 8 ATK and Rare Drop Rate in base PSO2

Information in PSO2 New Genesis:

We mostly use Discord to communicate with each other as well as using the guild chat in-game.

Although you can apply via the visiphone within the game (last priority), you can also contact the core members of the alliance/team via Discord, if you want to join. You will be asked five simple questions. This method of joining only applies to PSO2NGS.

  • What made you interested in joining A1RPG's PSO2NGS alliance?
  • Is this your first MMORPG?
      If Yes: What made you interested in playing PSO2NGS?
      If No: What MMORPG have you played the longest and why?
  • How often do you log into the game?
  • What is your main classes's current level, highest gear/power score, and your preferred play style?
  • Consider this situation: a stranger helped you get a job at a place, coincidentally you found out your best friend also works there, however the stranger wants you to help get rid of your best friend through shady practices so both of you can possibly get promoted quicker. The stranger doesn't know that your best friend and you are best friends, but tells you that your best friend is not a hard worker. How would you handle the situation?

  • To join via Discord, chat in the guest channel, or contact any of the below:
    Roisu ~ Zhou Xiaohua #5108
    LeBarcode #4650

    To join/apply via Form Application, click the button below:

    Lunaneer Application

    These rules only apply to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis and have superseded the original rules of PSO2. When applying to the alliance please follow these rules. All rules apply to all members regardless of rank in the alliance.

    Rules and Orders

    Criteria, Clean-up, and Maintenance of Members (denoted as M#)
    M1. Ability to log-in bi-weekly
    M2. Regular alliance member cleanups will happen once every quarter.
    M3. During regular alliance member cleanup, members may also be contacted via Discord for activity purposes only.
    M4. Under request or special circumstances, an inactive member will be removed if an applicant is desired by approval of 3 or more Officers, which may be exempt from R1, R2, and G1.

    Recruitment (denoted as R#)
    R1. Recruitment through in-person Discord interview has top priority.
    R2. Recruitment through Google Form application will be responded within 72 hours.
    R3. Recruitment through a friend or friend of a friend in the alliance is exempt to G1 and R1.

    Gear and Levels (denoted as G#)
    G1. Must have 1,100+ Gear Score/Power (waived 1 month after launch; waiver ends July 12, 2021).

    Knowledge and Skill (denoted as K#)
    K1. Basic knowledge of 1 main class.

    Termination or Leaving (denoted as T#)
    T1. Any member is allowed to leave at will; there will be no convincing to stay type of arguments.
    T2. Breaking any of the core rules or evidence of complaint/harassment to the Officers bothering other players will be given a warning. A second violation leads to termination.

    Updates (denoted as U#)
    U1. Any rules that are added or changed will be logged in the below section, titled Rule and Orders Updates.
    U2. Everything is always subject to change if it's way too strict or not in good faith.

    Rules and Orders Updates (newest to oldest)
    [June 20, 2021] - Grammar fix to R3.
    [June 1, 2021] - New PSO2NGS Rules Set; active on June 9, 2021

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