The guild leader is on a indefinite hiatus, therefore the guild has ceased operations.
Welcome to Lunaneer! Luna as in the moon from Italian and neer from pioneer or engineer. From there, Lunaneer is born as a New Genesis alliance refresh from base Phantasy Star Online 2; Honors then later Meiyokishi to now!
Currently, A1RPG (Lunaneer) resides on Ship 1 of PSO2 NA server. Most of us play in the PDT/PST, CST, and EST timezone and log in mostly during night time respectively. If you want to join us, search Lunaneer on the visiphone or contact a discord officer.
Our goals for PSO2 is mostly fashion-related and tackling end-game content. As of now, the community we have so far is mostly semi-hardcore and laidback. If that sounds like a good fit for you, then hit up an Officer or fill out an application and wait. If you are just looking to play/join for clout, drama, be troublesome, or alliance hop because of boredom, we encourage you to not apply at all.
Alliance RefreshLunaneer is an alliance refresh of old and new members from the beforementioned alliances above.
The tree has LVL 8 ATK and Rare Drop Rate in base PSO2
Information in PSO2 New Genesis:
These rules only apply to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis and have superseded the original rules of PSO2. When applying to the alliance please follow these rules. All rules apply to all members regardless of rank in the alliance.